Sunday, August 26, 2007

Are Americans Becoming Lazy?

A few weeks ago, I took my two kids to our local supermarket to pick up a few groceries. Now that Little Sister (LS) has joined my family, I need to find carts suitable for two or more children. Not a problem! What is a problem is finding clean shopping carts. Although most of them don't appear dirty, I often wonder how often they are cleaned. After this recent visit, I think I now know.

Upon approaching Grocery Store X, I scan the supply of available carts. Just as I spot the kid-friendly ones, I see an older gentlemen wiping them down. He doesn't look happy. Since I don't know him, I turn my focus back to my children and begin placing LS in an available cart. All of a sudden, the man turns to me and begins his ramblings, "Can you believe what they had the nerve to ask of me this morning?" I just glanced at him and smiled thinking that would be the end of it, but he proceeded with, "This is the most rotten job. I shouldn't have to do it." With that, I responded by telling him that he may not enjoy it, but as a mother, I certainly appreciate my children sitting in clean carts while I shop. His attitude made me ponder the question, 'Are Americans Becoming Lazy?' Whose job should it be to clean the carts? Mothers, what do you think?

1 comment:

Alex Elliot said...

I have to admit that I'm impressed that they clean them! I think it should be the store's responsibility to clean them. It's their property after all. We're not responsible for cleaning the floors at their stores. That being said, I feel it's our responsibility as moms to not trust that they are necessarily clean.