Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Here's a recap of my week so far:

1) I was happy to see Barack Obama become sworn in as our 44th president.

2) I finally finished a case-study that took forever to write.

3) Big Sister and I are getting over another round of winter illnesses.

4) Little Sister is healthy for a change!

5) Little Sister is on week 3 of wearing big girl panties and having few accidents.

6) I stepped out of my comfort zone and joined Facebook.

7) The ex is out of work again. (Job #7 lost!)


Snickerdoodle said...

A nice week, all things considered! Good news about the big girl pants. Mine is in them now too, and she's so proud of herself at 2 1/2.

Can I ask you where you got those two dresses on your blog header? I want to get a couple more for dd2, as she outgrew the one I got for her in China. She only got to wear it once. :(
Snick :)

The Byrd's Nest said...

I'm on facebook now too!!!! Like I need one more thing to be addicted to!