Saturday, August 23, 2008

She Who Laughs

It's so important to have a sense of humor, and not take life too seriously. That's what I am trying to do. In our school district, 30 new teachers were hired, all of them female, except for one. Early in the week, we had new teacher training. The energy and enthusiasm in the room was great. On Thursday, the rest of the staff returned, and suddenly the climate began to change. Now, we have a mixture of energetic, motivated newcomers (including myself), and some of the typical, "I hate my job, and life sucks" veteran teachers. I'm not saying that all veteran teachers are like this. Some are phenomenal, but there are those who suck the energy out of the room with their pessimism. One of my goals is to not take anything they say too personally, and to go with the flow. Wish me luck!

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