Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Potty Training Update

For the past several weeks, I have been in phase 2 of Little Sister's potty training. Phase 1 began several months ago. Back then, she sporadically used her potty. Now, I am happy to report that she is consistently using her potty anywhere from 1-4 times per day. We are getting there! Progress is being made. I attribute it to the introduction of a new motivator, M&M's. Little Sister especially loves the blue ones! Each time she deposits something in her potty, she gets one. She knows that the only time we can eat them is if she goes in her potty. The next step will be to try having her wear underwear and/or training pants, if I can find them. I also need to get into the habit of asking her to use the potty when we are out. I've done it a few times, but haven't been as consistent as I need to be with that. Wish me luck as the journey continues.


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

M&M's will do the trick every time!

Keep up the good work!


Jeff and Amy said...

Oh yes my boys loved the m&m's, good luck!!! I am ready to be done with the diapers, Lily sits on the potty and wipes but unfortunately nothing comes out. LOL

Michelle R Photography said...

Mia was not interested in potty training, until one night my husband asked her if she wanted to wear big girl panties like a little girl in her class. (The only one she ever talks about.) The next morning she woke up, went on the potty and has been wearing big girl panties ever since. Someone at work gave my husband that suggestion and it worked like a charm. (I had tried that earlier using her big sis as the example, but it didn't work.)

a Tonggu Momma said...

We tried the M&M trick (as well as many, many others), but they didn't work for the Tongginator. We got creative when she was three.

I'm so glad to hear when it works for others... gives me hope for our next go-around (whenever that arrives).

So glad I stumbled onto your blog.