Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We Survived Our Move!

After a year of planning, the girls and I have finally relocated to Chicago near my sister and her family. Since DH travels frequently for his job(s), we decided that it would be best for our daughters to be surrounded by family. My sister only lives a few minutes away which makes things convenient. Now that we are getting settled into a routine, here are a few things I learned from my three-day road trip to Chicago while traveling with two kids under the age of five:

1) Keep your car stocked with 'car' toys. These are toys that your kids only play with in the car.

2) Never leave home without a supply of Cheerios and Biter Biscuits (for toddlers). Goldfish work well also.

3) Make frequent stops along the way and let the little ones actually walk around so they too can stretch their legs.

4) Carry a CD's in your car that are specifically for children. Music can lighten any situation and help pass the time.

5) If your children are attached to something special (i.e. blankie or toy), make sure it's in the car with them.

6) Try to maintain your regular eating and sleeping schedule as much as possible.

7) Expect the unexpected!

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