Friday, August 31, 2007

The Joys of Being a Mother

-Watching your child take her first step
-Singing together
-Baking Christmas cookies
-Putting Dora puzzles together
-Playing Candyland, Chutes and Ladders and the Memory Game
-Taking your daughter to her first movie
-Reading stories together
-Watching your little girl progress from non-verbal to speaking
-Trick or Treating on Halloween
-Seeing their excitement on Christmas morning
-Simply hearing a little voice say, "Mama"
-Being told by your 4-year-old that she wants to be "just like Mama"
-The pride your child has when you praise her abilities
-An endless supply of artwork made just for Mom
-Every day excitement that comes from exploring the world together

*My children are truly the best thing that ever happened to me. I often wonder how I ever got along without them.

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