Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekly Update


My girls started Montessori this past week. Big Sister, who adapts well to anything, did fine. She still attends public kindergarten, but goes to the Montessori afterward for enrichment. Little Sister who doesn't like change or transitions, did remarkably well overall. She did a few crying outbursts throughout the week, but they were relatively short, and the teachers reported that she did eat and sleep with the other kids.


For those of us who teach, we know that our profession is not a high-paying one, but we go into it to make a difference. At least that's what I did. For the first time in my teaching career, I feel like I am accomplishing that goal. I am working with mostly minority students (who will soon be the majority). Most of my students are Hispanic in grades 6-8. I also have a few Asian, Caucasian, and Arabic. The diversity of staff and students is a wonderful, positive experience.


Kimmie said...

Glad it is going well for all of you, can't wait to hear of the impact you are making with your go girl!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh I am so thankful things are going well. I have been praying for their transition.

alisonwonderland said...

i am so very grateful for teachers like who make a difference in the lives of our children! thanks!

mommy24treasures said...

Wow sounds li ke LIl Sis is doing remarkably well.
I love that you feel so positive about your job. I love that those kids have someone teaching them that genuinely cares for them and their future.
Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the girls are adapting to the Montessori...sounds like a neat opportunity for them!