Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Splash at the Pool


redmaryjanes said...

Love the new header photo. The girls are so cute in their little bathingsuits!

Anonymous said...

Precious little ones! Love the bathing suits!

tracey said...

What loving sisters.

Kimmie said...

Ashley...your girls are growing! They are stunningly beautiful- I too love their cute suits.

You are a blessed mama- enjoy them, they do grow so fast. Cherish the smallness!

Hugs to you my sweet friend;
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Jeff and Amy said...

The sisters hugging it just priceless!!!!

Anonymous said...

These are SO precious!

The Byrd's Nest said...

How cute are they??? Just darling!

Patrick and Aleisa Dunn said...

Maya Lily has the same pink bathing suit! I love it!
Your girls are so sweet. Hope you are having a great summer.